Given a set of values \(i \in \{ 1, \ldots, n \} \) and set of frequencies \(f_i\):
1. find the cumulative frequency from i to j
2. support updating frequencies
Data Structure: Fenwick Tree (also known as Binary Indexed Tree)
Every number can be represented the sum of powers of 2, which is the basis of the binary representation of numbers. Define LSB[i] as the least significant bit of i (the last bit 1 in the binary representation of i). For example:
1. LSB[3] = LSB[11] = 0
2. LSB[14] = LSB[1110] = 1
3. LSB[52] = LSB[110100] = 2
We define FTree[i] as the sum of frequencies from \( i - 2^{\text{LSB[i]}} + 1, \ldots, i\). This allows an iterative representation of Cumulative Frequency from 1 to i CF[i] in terms of FTree, for example:
1. CF[10001101] = FTree[10001100] + FTree[10001000] + FTree[10000000]
2. CF[1101] = FTree[1100] + FTree[1000]
As such, CF[i] can be found in \(O(\log{N})\) time, where \(N\) is the length of the binary representation of i.
In case we update the entry in FTree[i] by a value val, we iteratively add val to FTree[i + \(2^\text{LSB[i]}\)], hence updating all responsibility chain in FTree in \(O(\log{N})\) time as well.
The pseudocode for construction of Fenwick Tree:
1. Return (i & ~i)
Build-FTree(array of frequency F):
1. let FTree[] be an array, FTree[0] = 0.
2. For each i from 1 to n = F.length
2.1 Set FTree[i] = sum of F[k] for k from (i - LSB(i) + 1) to i
3. Return FTree
Find-CF(FTree, i):
1. Set cumfreq = 0
2. While i != 0:
2.1 Set cumfreq = cumfreq + FTree[i]
2.2 Set i = i - LSB(i)
3. Retrun cumfreq
Update-FTree(FTree, i, val):
1. While i not greater than n
1.1 Set FTree[i] = FTree[i] + val
1.2 Set i = i + LSB(i)
The implementation is very sweet and simple :D
vector<int> ftree(11,0); int maxval; int lsb(int i) { return i & (-i); } void update(int i, int val) { while(i <= maxval) { ftree[i] += val; i = i + lsb(i); } } int cumfreq(int i) { int tot = 0; while( i > 0) { tot += ftree[i]; i = i - lsb(i); } return tot; }
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