Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Codeforces Round #282 Div. 1 Problem C - Helping People

Problem Statement:
494C - Helping People

Another challenging problem, with a very interesting DP solution. The official editorial to this round is very detailed and well-written :)

The idea is to build a tree-like directed acyclic graph (DAG) and keep track on some cumulative probabilities.

To find:
the expectation of maximum element in [1..N]. This is equal to sum of P[X=x] * x, for all x possible.

Each segments can be thought of as nodes. We first add a root to the DAG, which will be our entry point on traversing this graph. This root is a segment [1 .. N] with probability of being chosen 0. Call this node as e. Afterwards we sort the segments in increasing left index, and breaking ties with decreasing right index. Then we incrementally build the DAG as follows: For each segment u, we consider each segment v in increasing order. Add a directed edge from u to v if v is fully contained by u, but cannot be contained by any segment w that has already been pointed by u.

Let max[u] be the maximum element in the segment u (I used segment tree to compute max[u]). Let cpd[u][k] be the probability such that after we finished considering all segments reachable from segment u, the maximum element is at most max[u] + k. This is actually the cumulative probability density, since cpd[u][k] - cpd[u][k-1] is the probability of having the maximum element after traversal equals to exactly max[u] + k. We use cpd[u][k] because the DAG we build allows us to compute all cpd[u][k] in polynomial time.

To compute cpd[u][k], we have the following cases:
1. if k > 0, we can choose to accept segment u, hence reducing k by 1.
2. in any case, we can reject segment u, leaving k as it is.
3. In each case (whether we accept or reject the segment), for each v pointed by u, we calculate the slack s = max[v] - max[u] + k. This means that for segment v, we can increase v as much as the slack without exceeding max[u] + k. Hence we recursively find cpd[v][s].
4. finally cpd[u][k] = probability to accept * ( products of cpd[v][corresponding slack] ) + probability to reject * (products of cpd[v][corresponding slack] ) where v is over all child of u.

After calculating all cpd[u][k], we can calculate the expectation of maximum element as follows:
E(X=x) = (cpd[e][0] - 0) * max[e] + (cpd[e][1] - cpd[e][0]) * (max[e] + 1) + ... + (cdp[e][q] - cpd[e][q-1]) * (max[e] + q).


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;

long long segtree[400005];
long long a[100005];
vector<pair<pair<int,int>, double> > r;
double prob[5003][5003];
vector<vector<int> > adj;
int vis[5003][5003];
long long rma[5003];
int N, Q;

void build_segtree(int p, int L, int R){
  segtree[p] = a[L];
 int M = (L+R)/2;
 build_segtree(2*p, L, M);
 build_segtree(2*p+1, M+1, R);
 segtree[p] = max(segtree[2*p], segtree[2*p+1]);

long long rmq(int p, int L, int R, int S, int T) {
 if(R < S || T < L) return -1;
 if(S <= L && R <= T) {
  return segtree[p];
 int M = (L+R)/2;
 long long left = rmq(2*p, L, M, S, T);
 long long right = rmq(2*p + 1, M+1, R, S, T);
 if(left < 0) return right;
 if(right < 0) return left;
 return max(right, left);

long long query(int u){
 if(rma[u] != -1) return rma[u];
 int L = r[u].first.first;
 int R = r[u].first.second;
 return (rma[u] = rmq(1, 0, N-1, L, R));

int fn(const pair<pair<int,int>, double> &L,
    const pair<pair<int,int>, double> &R) {
 if(L.first.first == R.first.first) {
  return (L.first.second > R.first.second);
 return L.first.first < R.first.first;

double pd(int u, int k){
 if(k > 5000) return 1;
 if(vis[u][k]) return prob[u][k];
 prob[u][k] = 1;
  if(k == 0) prob[u][k] = (1-r[u].second);
 } else {
  double choose = 1;
  double no_choose = 1;
  for(int i=0;i<adj[u].size();++i){
   int v = adj[u][i];
   int diff = (int) (query(u) - query(v));
   if(k > 0){
    choose *= pd(v, diff+k-1); 
   //don't choose
   no_choose *= pd(v, diff+k);
  prob[u][k] = (1.0 - r[u].second) * no_choose;
  if(k > 0) prob[u][k] += r[u].second * choose;
 vis[u][k] = 1;
 return prob[u][k];

int main(){
 int u,v;
 double p;
 scanf("%d%d", &N, &Q);
 for(int i=0;i<N;++i){
  scanf("%lldd", &a[i]);
 for(int i=0;i<Q;++i){
  scanf("%d%d %lf", &u, &v, &p);
  r.push_back(make_pair(make_pair(u-1,v-1), p));
 sort(r.begin(), r.end(), fn);
 adj = vector<vector<int> > (Q+3);
 for(int i=0;i<Q+1;++i){
  for(int j=i+1;j<=Q;++j){
   if(r[i].first.first <= r[j].first.first
   && r[i].first.second >= r[j].first.second) {
    if(!adj[i].empty() && r[adj[i].back()].first.first <= r[j].first.first &&
       r[adj[i].back()].first.second >= r[j].first.second) 
   } else {
 for(int i=0;i<=Q;++i)rma[i] = -1;
 build_segtree(1, 0, N-1);
 double ans = 0;
 long long mf = query(0);
 double prev = 0;
 for(int i=0;i<=Q;++i){
  double tmp = pd(0, i);
  ans += (tmp - prev) * (mf+i);
  prev = tmp;
 printf("%.12lf\n", ans);
 return 0;

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