498C - Array and Operations
Another interesting max-flow problem, but I think coming up with the correct model may require some level of familiarity with the concept and intuition, since the runtime complexity analysis can be a bit subtle.
The clever idea behind this problem is to consider each prime one by one. We start out with a source S and a sink T. Then since \(i_k + j_k\) is guaranteed to be an odd number, we conclude that \(i_k\) and \(i_j\) has different parity, i.e. one is odd, and another is even. So we actually have a bipartite matching task, between the odd-indexed and the even-indexed \(a_i\)s. From here, we build a graph as follows:
1. Choose a prime \(p\).
2. For each pair of odd indexed \(a_i\) and even indexed \(a_j\), we find the maximum number of times each of them can be divided by \(p\), call it n and m respectively.
3. Next, we connect S to \(a_i\), \(a_i\) to \(a_j\) and \(a_j\) to T.
4. The capacity of the edges are set as follows:
- capacity of (S, \(a_i\)) is n.
- capacity of (\(a_j\), T) is m.
- and capacity of (\(a_i\), \(a_j\)) is the minimum of n and m.
After building the graph, we run Edmonds Karp maximum flow algorithm to find the maximum number of division operation by the prime \(p\) can be done given the capacity constraints. Then, the answer to the problem is the total maximum flows for each \(p\) from 2 to biggest possible prime.
Since the numbers are up to \(10^9\), we need to use Sieve of Eratosthenes to cache up all primes up to \(\sqrt{10^9}\). Now, why only up to a square root of \(10^9\)? Because if a number \(X\) is composite, it will be divisible by a factor \(\leq \sqrt(X)\). And if X turns out to be a number not divisible by any primes we stored, than X itself is definitely a prime number! So we just run another extra iteration of Edmonds Karp to solve for this case.
Since there are \(O(N)\) vertices and \(O(M)\) edges, and since Edmonds Karp runs in \(O(VE^2)\) time, we have a complexity of \(O(NM^2)\) for each prime considered. Worst case scenario, I believe we will consider at most 100 different primes, hence the run time complexity is pretty much sufficient to pass the time limit.
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <cassert> #include <vector> #include <utility> #include <cstring> #include <queue> using namespace std; int mark[1000003]; vector<int> prime; int a[110]; vector<int> odd; vector<int> even; int val[110]; int isprime[110]; int N, M; int maxflow = 0; int S = 108, T = 109; int cap[110][110]; int flow[110][110]; vector<int> adj[110]; int path[110]; int INF = 123456; void sieve(){ for(int i=2;i*i<=1000000;++i){ if(mark[i]) continue; for(int j=i;j<=1000000/i;++j){ mark[i*j] = 1; } } for(int i=2;i<=1000000;++i){ if(!mark[i]) prime.push_back(i); } } int augment(int v, int mf){ if(v == S){ maxflow += mf; return mf; } int u = path[v]; bool backflow = false; if(flow[v][u] > 0) backflow = true; if(backflow){ mf = min(mf, flow[v][u]); } else { mf = min(mf, cap[u][v] - flow[u][v]); } mf = augment(u, mf); if(backflow){ flow[v][u] -= mf; } else { flow[u][v] += mf; } return mf; } void edmondskarp(){ while(true){ queue<int> q; memset(path, -1, sizeof path); q.push(S); path[S] = S; bool augmented = false; while(!q.empty()){ int u = q.front(); q.pop(); for(int i=0;i<adj[u].size();++i){ int v = adj[u][i]; if(path[v] != -1) continue; if(cap[u][v] - flow[u][v] > 0 || flow[v][u] > 0){ path[v] = u; if(v == T){ augment(T, INF); augmented = true; break; } else { q.push(v); } } } if(augmented) break; } if(!augmented) break; } } void solve_maxflow(){ for(int j=0;j<M;++j){ int u = odd[j]; int v = even[j]; cap[u][v] = min(val[u],val[v]); cap[S][u] = val[u]; cap[v][T] = val[v]; } for(int i=0;i<110;++i) for(int j=0;j<110;++j) flow[i][j]=0; edmondskarp(); } int main(){ sieve(); scanf("%d%d", &N,&M); for(int i=0;i<N;++i){ scanf("%d", &a[i]); } int u,v; for(int i=0;i<M;++i){ scanf("%d%d", &u,&v); --u; --v; if(u%2==0) swap(u,v); odd.push_back(u); even.push_back(v); } for(int i=0;i<M;++i){ adj[S].push_back(odd[i]); adj[odd[i]].push_back(S); adj[odd[i]].push_back(even[i]); adj[even[i]].push_back(odd[i]); adj[even[i]].push_back(T); adj[T].push_back(even[i]); cap[even[i]][T] = INF; cap[S][odd[i]] = INF; } maxflow = 0; memset(isprime, 1, sizeof isprime); for(int k=0;k<prime.size();++k){ memset(val, 0, sizeof val); bool ok = false; for(int j=0;j<N;++j){ int tmp = a[j]; int cnt = 0; while(tmp && (tmp%prime[k]) == 0){ tmp /= prime[k]; ++cnt; } val[j] = cnt; if(cnt) { isprime[j] = 0; ok = true; } } if(!ok)continue; solve_maxflow(); } vector<int> extra; for(int i=0;i<N;++i){ bool ok = true; if(!isprime[i] || a[i] == 1) continue; for(int j=0;j<extra.size();++j){ if(extra[j] == a[i]){ ok = false; break; } } if(!ok) continue; ok = false; memset(val, 0, sizeof val); extra.push_back(a[i]); for(int j=0;j<N;++j){ int tmp = a[j]; int cnt = 0; while(tmp && (tmp%a[i])==0){ ++cnt; tmp /= a[i]; } if(cnt){ val[j] = cnt; ok = true; } } if(!ok) continue; solve_maxflow(); } printf("%d\n", maxflow); return 0; }
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