Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Codeforces Round #296 (Div. 1 A / Div. 2 C) - Glass Carving

Problem Statement:
528A - Glass Carving

Wow this round is so challenging. I solved this problem using 6 segment trees, but that makes me wonder if there are simpler way of solving it, because I see that average contestants actually solved this problem pretty quickly. Either this kind of segment tree galore is already a routine problem out there, or I am missing something cool.

The idea is to answer the following queries quickly:

1. Suppose we are going to make a cut at position pos (either horizontally or vertically.
2. Given position pos, find the closest cut with index i smaller than pos. For this we can use two segment trees which handle maximum range query, one for width and the other for height.
3. Given position pos, find the closest cut with index j larger than pos. This requires 2 segment trees with minimum range query handler.
4. Since we are cutting at pos, then we are essentially breaking down the cut with length (j-i) into two smaller sub-cuts, each with length (j-pos) and (pos-i). Here we need two more segment trees, which keeps track of the available cut lengths on each sides of the square. Hence what we will do is to remove cut of length (j-i) from the tree and add in cuts with lengths (j-pos) and (pos-i).
5. Amongst all cuts, find the maximum length cut on each sides, and multiply to get the answer for the current query.

If you have a better, simpler, and shorter solution, by all means please share, I'd like to know! [UPDATE: the official editorial has been published! The better idea is to answer the queries in reverse order using doubly-linked list! Awesome]


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdio>
#include <set>
using namespace std;

int maxtree[4][1000000];
int mintree[2][1000000];
int mark[2][200005];
int N[2], Q;

void init() {
    for(int i=0;i<200005;++i)mark[0][i] = mark[1][i] = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<4;++i){
        for(int j=0;j<1000000;++j){
            maxtree[i][j] = -1;
    for(int i=0;i<2;++i){
        for(int j=0;j<1000000;++j){
            mintree[i][j] = 12345678;

void updateMax(int tree[][1000000], int i, int p, int S, int L, int R, int val) {
    if(S < L || R < S) return;
    if(L==R && R==S) {
        if(val == 1){
            tree[i][p] = L;
        } else if(val ==0){
            tree[i][p] = -1;
    int M = (L+R)/2;
    updateMax(tree, i, 2*p, S, L, M, val);
    updateMax(tree, i, 2*p+1, S, M+1, R, val);
    tree[i][p] = max(tree[i][2*p], tree[i][2*p+1]);

void updateMin(int tree[][1000000], int i, int p, int S, int L, int R, int val) {
    if(S < L || R < S) return;
    if(L==R && R==S) {
        if(val == 1){
            tree[i][p] = L;
        } else if(val ==0){
            tree[i][p] = 12345678;
    int M = (L+R)/2;
    updateMin(tree, i, 2*p, S, L, M, val);
    updateMin(tree, i, 2*p+1, S, M+1, R, val);
    tree[i][p] = min(tree[i][2*p], tree[i][2*p+1]);

int getMax(int tree[][1000000], int i, int p, int S, int T, int L, int R) {
    if(T < L || R < S) return -1;
    if(S <= L && R <= T) return tree[i][p];
    int M = (L+R)/2;
    int left = getMax(tree, i, 2*p, S, T, L, M);
    int right = getMax(tree, i, 2*p+1, S, T, M+1, R);
    return max(left, right);

int getMin(int tree[][1000000], int i, int p, int S, int T, int L, int R) {
    if(T < L || R < S) return 12345678;
    if(S <= L && R <= T) return tree[i][p];
    int M = (L+R)/2;
    int left = getMin(tree, i, 2*p, S, T, L, M);
    int right = getMin(tree, i, 2*p+1, S, T, M+1, R);
    return min(left, right);

void setVal(int i, int pos) {
    updateMax(maxtree, i, 1, pos, 0, N[i], 1);
    updateMin(mintree, i, 1, pos, 0, N[i], 1);

void handleCut(int i, int pos) {
    int left = getMax(maxtree, i, 1, 0, pos-1, 0, N[i]);
    int right = getMin(mintree, i, 1, pos+1, N[i], 0, N[i]);
    int len = right-left;
    setVal(i, pos);

void printMaxArea() {
    int maxW = getMax(maxtree, 2, 1, 0, N[0], 0, N[0]);
    int maxH = getMax(maxtree, 3, 1, 0, N[1], 0, N[1]);
    printf("%I64d\n",1LL*maxW * maxH);

int main(){
    scanf("%d%d%d",&N[0],&N[1], &Q);
    setVal(0, 0);
    setVal(0, N[0]);
    setVal(1, 0);
    setVal(1, N[1]);
    updateMax(maxtree, 2, 1, N[0], 0, N[0], 1);
    updateMax(maxtree, 3, 1, N[1], 0, N[1], 1);

    for(int qq=0;qq<Q;++qq){
        char c;
        int d;
        if(c == 'H') {
            handleCut(1, d);
        } else {
            handleCut(0, d);
    return 0;

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