Tuesday, March 17, 2015

UVa 10364 - Square

Problem Statement :

This is an innocent looking problem, but actually it is a variant of set partitioning, an NP complete problem. To solve the problem, I used a bitmasking technique coupled with a dynamic programming technique to come up with an \( O(N2^N) \) solution. While I like the problem itself, to pass the time limit on UVa, you may require some optimisations to the plain DP implementation, which makes the experience a little bit unappealing to me.

First of all, let a[i] be the length of i-th stick, and let's define \(b\) as a bit mask containing N bits which indicates that i-th stick is included in b if b[i] equals to 1, and 0 otherwise. We can first precompute val[b], the sum of all a[i] for which b[i] is set to 1. Furthermore, let's define X be the sum of all a[i] divided by 4. As you can guess, X is the length of each sides of the resulting square in the end. Let D[b] be the number of times we passed a multiple of X. D[b] = k will mean that we can divide N sticks into k groups of total length X each, and possibly one more group with total length less than X. Therefore we have the following relationship:
let K = max { D[b with j-th bit set to 0] }, then
D[b] = K + { 1 if val[b] equals to (K+1)X, and 0 otherwise }

In the end, we will have D[\(2^N\)-1] = 4 if and only if there exists a possible partitioning of the sticks into 4 groups of total length X.

To pass the UVa time limit, you need to make use of a symmetry: since every stick must belong to a group, we can without loss of generality set the first stick to be in the first group and proceed as per usual. This optimisation alone will reduce the search time by half.


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;

int dp[1<<20];
int val[1<<20];
int a[23];
int N;

void solve() {
    for(int b=0, sz=(1<<N);b<sz;++b){
        val[b] = -1;
        dp[b] = 0;
    int sum = 0;
    val[0] = 0;
    for(int i=0;i<N;++i){
        sum += a[i];
        val[1<<i] = a[i];
    int X = sum/4;
    if(sum % 4 != 0) {
    for(int b=0, sz=(1<<N);b<sz;++b){
        if(val[b] != -1) continue;
        int msb = b & (-b);
        val[b] = val[msb] + val[b ^ msb];
    for(int b=0, sz=(1<<(N-1));b<sz;++b){
        int bm = (b << 1) | 1;
        for(int i=0;i<N-1;++i){
            if(b & (1<<i)) {
                dp[b] = max(dp[b], dp[b ^ (1<<i)]);
        if(val[bm] == (dp[b]+1) * X) dp[b]++;
    if(dp[(1<<(N-1))-1] == 4) {
    } else {

int main(){
    int TC;
    scanf("%d", &TC);
        for(int i=0;i<N;++i) scanf("%d",&a[i]);
    return 0;

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