Problem Statement:
Codeforces Round #416 (Div. 2) E. Vladik and Entertaining FlagsSummary:
Given an integer matrix with size m x n with m <= 10, n <= 10^5, find the number of connected components in segment [l, r] of the matrix (i.e. rectangle (0, l) -> (m-1, r)). Two cells belong to the same connected component if they are adjacent (share the same edge) and have the same value.
There are q <= 10^5 such queries.
A cool problem which can be solved using Segment Tree. This is made possible by the following observation: Consider two adjacent segments [l, m] and [m+1, r]. If we know the number of components on each segment, then we can iterate along the cells where the two segments meet to see if we can combine any adjacent components.
And hence, the number of components in [l, r] is given by the number of components in [l, m] + number of components in [m+1, r] - the number of components we combined.
To solve the problem then translates to building and querying a segment tree using the above strategy, tracking enough information to perform the merging. In my implementation, on each segment, I keep the component IDs of the cells to the left and right-end the segment.
#include <iostream> #include <cstdio> #include <algorithm> #include <vector> using namespace std; int mat[100010][10]; int num_components[4*100010]; int group[4*100010][10][2]; int cur[4*100010][10][2]; int borrow[4*100010][10][2]; int n, m; int next_id = 1; int combine(int M, int p, int cur[4*100010][10][2], int group[4*100010][10][2]) { int left = 2*p; int right = 2*p+1; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { cur[left][i][0] = group[left][i][0]; cur[left][i][1] = group[left][i][1]; cur[right][i][0] = group[right][i][0]; cur[right][i][1] = group[right][i][1]; } int unions = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { if (cur[left][i][1] == cur[right][i][0]) continue; if (mat[M][i] == mat[M+1][i]) { int c = cur[left][i][1]; int d = cur[right][i][0]; for (int j = 0; j < m; ++j) { for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { if (cur[left][j][k] == c || cur[left][j][k] == d) { cur[left][j][k] = min(c,d); } if (cur[right][j][k] == c || cur[right][j][k] == d) { cur[right][j][k] = min(c,d); } } } ++unions; } } for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { group[p][i][0] = cur[left][i][0]; group[p][i][1] = cur[right][i][1]; } return unions; } void build(int L=0, int R=n-1, int p=1) { if (L == R) { num_components[p] = 1; group[p][0][0] = next_id++; for (int i = 1; i < m; ++i) { if (mat[L][i] == mat[L][i-1]) { group[p][i][0] = group[p][i-1][0]; } else { group[p][i][0] = next_id++; num_components[p]++; } } for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { group[p][i][1] = group[p][i][0]; } return; } int M = (L+R)/2; build(L, M, 2*p); build(M+1, R, 2*p+1); int unions = combine(M, p, cur, group); num_components[p] = num_components[2*p] + num_components[2*p+1] - unions; } int query(int S, int T, int L=0, int R=n-1, int p=1) { if (R<S || T<L) { return -1; } if (S<=L && R<=T) { for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { cur[p][i][0] = group[p][i][0]; cur[p][i][1] = group[p][i][1]; } return num_components[p]; } int M = (L+R)/2; int left = query(S, T, L, M, 2*p); int right = query(S, T, M+1, R, 2*p+1); if (left >= 0 && right >= 0) { int unions = combine(M, p, borrow, cur); return left + right - unions; } int to_copy = 2*p; if (left == -1) { to_copy = 2*p+1; } for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) { cur[p][i][0] = cur[to_copy][i][0]; cur[p][i][1] = cur[to_copy][i][1]; } return max(left, right); } int main(){ int q; scanf("%d%d%d",&m,&n,&q); for (int i = 0;i <m;++i){ for(int j = 0; j <n;++j){ scanf("%d",&mat[j][i]); } } build(); int L,R; for (int i = 0; i < q; ++i) { scanf("%d%d",&L,&R); L--; R--; printf("%d\n",query(L,R)); } return 0; }
Great problem! I love how this problem challenges our understanding of connected components and the use of advanced data structures like Segment Trees.
ReplyDeletePallet Rack delhi
Pallet storage rack delhi
Segment Tree FTW! This problem really shows the power of Segment Trees in solving dynamic connectivity problems efficiently.
ReplyDeleteSelective Pallet Racking System delhi
two tier rack delhi
Nice Insight: The observation about how the segments [l, m] and [m+1, r] can be combined by checking the edges between them is brilliant. It’s a great trick for efficiency.
ReplyDeleteHeavy duty pallet rack
Multi tier rack
This kind of algorithm is not just useful for competitions; it could be applied to a lot of real-world grid and connectivity problems. Great practical insight.
ReplyDeleteWarehouse Pallet Racking System
Spare part storage rack india
The part about merging the adjacent components between two segments was an "aha" moment for me. It really shows how we can break down a complex problem into smaller parts.
ReplyDeletePallet Rack noida
Warehouse storage rack noida
Dynamic Programming Meets Segment Tree: I love how this problem is a combination of dynamic programming and segment trees. Solving it in such a structured way is truly fun.
ReplyDeleteCantilever rack noida
Spare part storage rack noida
Optimization Needed: I was initially concerned about time limits given the constraints, but this solution definitely optimizes the process well enough to handle even the largest inputs.
ReplyDeleteMezzanine floor lucknow
Warehouse storage rack lucknow
Query Handling: Handling multiple queries efficiently is always tough. This solution makes it look easy. The Segment Tree structure really shines in this problem.
ReplyDeletePigeon hole rack lucknnow
Dust Collector